Play Full Pardners in High Quality Video.
Now you can enjoy Pardners in best look with duration 90 Min and has been launched in 1956-08-01 and MPAA rating is 3.- Original Title : Pardners Year of movie : 1956
- Genres of movie : Comedy, Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1956-08-01
- Companies of movie :
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 90 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6.7
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,IT,DE,FR,ES,PT,
- Cast of movie :Dean Martin (Slim Mosely Jr. / Slim Mosely Sr.), Jerry Lewis (Wade Kingsley Jr. / Wade Kingsley Sr.), Lori Nelson (Carol Kingsley), Jeff Morrow (Pete Rio), Lon Chaney, Jr. (Whitey (as Lon Chaney)), Lee Van Cleef (Gus), Jack Elam (Pete), Jackie Loughery (Dolly Riley), John Baragrey (Dan Hollis / Sam Hollis), Agnes Moorehead (Mrs. Matilda Kingsley), Milton Frome (Hawkins, the Butler), Richard Aherne (Chauffeur), Scott Douglas (Salvin)
Movie plot of :
Full Length of Pardners in Best Look with movie synopsis "Rich momma's boy Wade Kingsley Jr. an Eastern dude, tries to follow in his murdered father's footsteps by returning to the West to partner up with Slim Moseley Jr.,the son of his father's former partner. Wade overcomes Slim's initial reluctance to accept him by using his fortune to buy a prize cow and new car to help Slim in his job as foreman on the Kingsley family ranch, currently under siege by a gang of outlaws called "masked raiders." Wade generously tries to pay off the ranch's mortgage with $15,000 of his own money, but unfortunately neither "pardner" realizes that respected banker Dan Hollis, the son of their fathers' murderer, is the leader of the gang." in HD quality. Free Pardners in Best Look.
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Director : Norman Taurog, Screenplay : Sidney Sheldon, Screenstory : Jerry Davis
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