Download Death of a Gunfighter Full Streaming.
Download Death of a Gunfighter Streaming In HD with duration 100 Min and broadcast on 1969-04-04 and MPAA rating is 3.- Original Title : Death of a Gunfighter Year of movie : 1969
- Genres of movie : Action,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1969-04-04
- Companies of movie : Universal Pictures,
- Countries of movie : United States of America,
- Language of movie : English,
- Durationof movie : 100 Min
- Average vote of movie : 6
- Youtube ID of movie :
- Translation of movie : EN,PT,NL,FR,ES,IT,HU,
- Actors of movie :Richard Widmark (Marshal Frank Patch), Lena Horne (Claire Quintana), Carroll O'Connor (Lester Locke), Kent Smith (Andrew Oxley), Jacqueline Scott (Laurie Mills), Morgan Woodward (Ivan Stanek), Larry Gates (Mayor Chester Sayre), Dub Taylor (Doc Adams), John Saxon (Lou Trinidad), Darleen Carr (Hilda Jorgenson), Michael McGreevey (Dan Joslin), Royal Dano (Arch Brandt), Jimmy Lydon (Luke Mills), Kathleen Freeman (Mary Elizabeth), Harry Carey, Jr. (Reverend Cork), David Opatoshu (Edward Rosenblum)
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Movie synopsis of :
Release Death of a Gunfighter in Best Quality with movie summary "In the turn-of-the century Texas town of Cottownwood Springs, marshal Frank Patch is an old-style lawman in a town determined to become modern. When he kills drunken Luke Mills in self-defense, the town leaders decide it's time for a change. That ask for Patch's resignation, but he refuses on the basis that the town on hiring him had promised him the job for as long as he wanted it. Afraid for the town's future and even more afraid of the fact that Marshal Patch knows all the town's dark secrets, the city fathers decide that old-style violence is the only way to rid themselves of the unwanted lawman." in HD quality. Play full Death of a Gunfighter in HD Format.
Director : Don Siegel, Director : Robert Totten, Screenplay : Joseph Calvelli, Novel : Lewis B. Patten, Producer : Richard E. Lyons, Original Music Composer : Oliver Nelson, Director of Photography : Andrew Jackson, Editor : Robert F. Shugrue, Art Direction : Alexander Golitzen, Art Direction : Howard E. Johnson, Director : Alan Smithee
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