Play Full Goodbye Texas in High Quality.
Now you can watch full Goodbye Texas in top video format with duration 93 Min and was published in 1966-08-28 and MPAA rating is 2.- Original Title : Texas, Addio Year of movie : 1966
- Genres of movie : Western,
- Status of movie : Released
- Release date of movie : 1966-08-28
- Companies of movie : Estela Films, B.R.C. Produzione S.r.l.,
- Countries of movie : Italy, Spain,
- Language of movie : Deutsch, Italiano,
- Durationof movie : 93 Min
- Average vote of movie : 3.5
- Youtube ID of movie : GsGCcPeow4k
- Translation of movie : EN,RU,FR,DE,ES,
- Cast of movie :Franco Nero (Burt Sullivan), Alberto Dell'Acqua (Jim Sullivan), Elisa Montés (Mulatta Girl), José Guardiola (McLeod), Livio Lorenzon (Alcalde Miguel), Hugo Blanco (Pedro), Luigi Pistilli (), Antonella Murgia (), Gino Pernice ()
Movie plot of :
Full Streaming Goodbye Texas in Best Quality with movie summary "The tough gun-man Burt Sullivan (Franco Nero) leaves his job as a town sheriff to go to Mexico to find the man, Cisco, who killed his father many years ago. He and his younger brother arrive in a small town where everybody is afraid of Cisco who has become the local landowner. But there is a secret. It turns out that Cisco is the father of Burt's younger brother and Cisco are craving for respect from his "son". Burt Sullivan joins forces with the local townspeople to stop and bring Cisco back to his punishment in Texas." in best look. Full Goodbye Texas in HD Quality.
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Director : Ferdinando Baldi
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